Your phone comes from your service provider programmed
with a greeting. This greeting displays in Standby mode. You
can personalize this greeting with anything you want up to 12
characters. Here’s how to do it:
To modify your personal greeting:
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Setup.
3. Press for Display.
4. Press for Greeting. Your current greeting displays.
5. Enter a new personal greeting by pressing the
alphanumeric keys on the keypad. When entering your
greeting, the phone defaults to alpha text (lower case)
input mode. Press the key for more text entry
6. Press to save your personal greeting.
You can view the software and hardware versions of your
phone. This feature is helpful if you need to call customer care
(or client care). Here’s how to do it:
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Setup.
3. Press for Display.
4. Press for Version. Information about your phone’s
hardware and software displays.
5. Press to return to the previous screen.