MD Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Stainless Steel Options
Stainless Steel Collection Basin:
11.1 Replace paragraph 11.1 with the
following: The collection basin shall
be heavy-gauge Series 300 stainless
steel. Only low-carbon stainless steel
alloys will be accepted in order to
minimize the risk of intergranular cor-
rosion in the weld zones. Basin shall
include the number and type of suction
connections required to accommodate
the out-flow piping system shown on
the plans. Basin suction connections
shall be equipped with debris screens.
A factory installed, float operated,
mechanical make-up valve shall be
included. An overflow and drain con-
nection shall be provided in each cell
of the tower. The basin floor shall slope
toward the drain to allow complete
flush out of debris and silt which may
All Stainless Cooling Tower
5.1 Replace paragraph 5.1 with the
following: Except where otherwise
specified, all components of the cool-
ing tower shall be fabricated of heavy-
gauge, series 300 stainless steel. Only
low-carbon stainless steel alloys will be
accepted in order to minimize the risk
of intergranular corrosion in the weld
zones. The tower shall be capable of
withstanding water having a chloride
design operating ranges up to 27.8°C.
The circulating water shall contain no
oil, grease, fatty acids, or organic sol-
■ The cold water basin is the only part of the tower that is subject to
periods of stagnant water, concentrated with treatment chemicals
and customary contaminants. It is also the most expensive and dif-
ficult part of any tower to repair or replace. For these reasons, many
customers—particularly those who are replacing older towers—
choose to specify stainless steel cold water basins.
■ For pure resistance to corrosion—coupled with the capability to
meet stringent fire and building codes—there is no substitute for
stainless steel. No paints or electostatically-applied coatings, how-
ever exotic they may be, can match stainless steel's ability to with-
stand adverse operating conditions.