
Search Functions
42 800092-01 Rev. A www.wegener.com
Table 4.2: iPump 562 Settings Groups
4.2 Settings Table (or Search Table)
This is an internal database retained in non-volatile memory (unaffected by loss of power). It
contains a list of alternate carrier settings. Each valid entry is a complete description of a
carrier/program setting (as used in a Perm command). This list is entered at customer
request at the factory, and may be edited using
Compel commands or ADDS and DELS
terminal commands. The entries are referred to as "Table Entries" or "Search Settings
Entries", etc.
The Settings Table is typically used for one of two possible operations. The first is for local
users to quickly pre-program carrier/program combinations and tune the IRD to one of
them. The second is as a source of alternate fallback carriers for times when the "normal"
carrier is lost or has a failure in its
Compel stream.
4.3 Signal Quality Monitoring
The iPump 562 provides monitoring of different parameters of RF signal quality while
tracking a carrier.
Note: Beyond 15 dB, Eb/No readings are not accurate. For the following inner FEC ratios,
display any Eb/No values above the limits shown as >xx dB: R=1/2, Eb/No >14.0
dB; R=2/3, Eb/No>13.5 dB; R=3/4, Eb/No>13.0 dB; R=5/6, Eb/No>12.5 dB;
R=7/8, Eb/No>12.0 dB. Note that margin may also “top out” as a >yy dB value also.
These settings are entered via Compel or the TEMP / TEMPCH terminal
commands. The unit is said to be inserting when it is configured to the temp
settings. The maximum length of an insert is approximately 18 hours (65535
seconds). An insert terminates when:
1. it times out,
2. an ABORT command is received,
3. power is cycled, or
4. an invalid header is seen.
Any Temp commands received while the receiver is currently inserting are ignored.
If a Perm command is received while inserting, the perm settings are updated but
not acted on until the insert is terminated.
The perm settings are entered via Compel, the PERM / PERMCH terminal, or
OSD Carrier Select screen, or automatically from within a search mode. (See
below.) The perm settings are the only settings group that are stored in NVRAM.
Search The search settings are active while in Carrier Search or Header Search. When the
unit finds what it is looking for in the search mode, it copies the search settings to
the perm settings. These are then considered to be the active settings.