106 Chapter 8—Aux Sends
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Copying Channel Fader Positions to Aux Sends
While Aux Sends are in Variable mode, you can copy all Input Channel fader positions on
one layer to the corresponding Aux Sends.
This is convenient when you wish to send to the musicians monitor signals that have the
same balance setting as the Stereo Out signals.
1 Press and hold down the copy source layer (LAYER [1-16], [17-32], or [33-48])
2 Press one of the AUX SELECT [AUX 1]–[AUX 8] buttons to select the desired
Aux Send copy destination.
The confirmation window for the Copy operation appears.
3To execute the Copy operation, move the cursor to the YES button, then
press [ENTER].
To cancel the Copy operation, move the cursor to the NO button, then press [ENTER].
Note: If you release the button in the LAYER section before you proceed to Step 2, you will be
unable to complete the Copy operation.
Tip: If the copy destination Input Channel has been paired with a vertical partner in another
Layer, the fader position will be copied to the partner’s Aux Send.