Storing and Recalling Scenes 165
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Scene Memories
Storing and Recalling Scenes
You can store and recall Scenes by pressing the buttons on the top panel or using the dedi-
cated Scene memory page on the display.
Storing and Recalling Scenes Using the SCENE MEMORY
You can use the SCENE MEMORY buttons to store and recall Scenes.
1 Adjust the mix parameters on the DM1000 to the conditions you wish to
store as a Scene.
2 Press the SCENE MEMORY Up [ ] or Down [ ] buttons to select a Scene
memory number.
If you select a Scene memory other than the currently-recalled Scene, its number flashes on
the Scene memory display.
Scene memories #U (“Ud”) and #0 (“00”) are special read-only memories, to which you
cannot store Scenes. Also, you cannot store Scenes to write-protected Scene memories (see
page 166).
3 Press the SCENE MEMORY [STORE] button.
The Title Edit window appears, which enables you to name the Scene to be stored.
4 Enter the title, move the cursor to the OK button, then press [ENTER].
The Title Edit window closes and the current Scene is stored to the selected Scene memory.
5To recall a Scene, press the SCENE MEMORY Up [ ] or Down [ ] buttons to
select a Scene memory number, then press the SCENE MEMORY [RECALL]
• When you store Scenes, make sure that there are no settings in the Edit Buffer that you do
not want to store. Make sure that no settings, especially faders, have been adjusted uninten-
•If you are not sure of the Edit Buffer’s contents, recall the last Scene, make the adjustments
you want, then store the Scene. You may wish to store the current Scene to an unused Scene
memory, just in case.
Tip: You can disable this window by turning the Store Confirmation parameter to Off on the
Setup | Prefer1 page (see page 266). In this case, the stored Scene will have the same name as
the one recalled most-recently.
Tip: If you turn the Recall Confirmation parameter to On on the Setup | Prefer1 page, a Scene
recall confirmation window for Scene recalls appears before the Scene is recalled (see page 266).