262 Chapter 19—Controlling the DM1000 from a Video Editor
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
9 Move the cursor to the MOTOR button, then press [ENTER] to turn the motor
faders on or off.
When the MOTOR button is turned off, the motor faders will not move even when the
DM1000 receives the ESAM commands. (However, the fader levels will change.)
10 Set each channel routing on the Routing page (page 71).
Use BUS 1–8 as sends to the REC machine. The routing settings will differ as follows
depending on whether you use pre-read (page 263).
-When not using pre-read
On the PLAY machine, turn on channel routing assignments to the BUS 1–8 to which
you want to send audio signals, and turn off assignments to the stereo bus.
On the REC machine, turn on channel routing assignments to the stereo bus. Turn off
assignments to BUS 1–8.
-When using pre-read
For the routing settings of the PLAY machine and the REC machine, turn on assign-
ments of the audio signals to the BUS 1–8 to which you want to send audio signals. Turn
on assignments to the stereo bus if you want to use the stereo bus to monitor the input
signals from the machine.
11 Press the [AUTO] button to turn on the button indicator so that
each channel [SEL] button will reflect the corresponding ESAM
fader on/off status.
12 Press the channel [SEL] buttons to turn on or off the corresponding Input
Channel ESAM fader.
Repeatedly pressing a [SEL] button toggles the corresponding ESAM fader on and off.
When an ESAM fader is turned off, the ESAM command for the corresponding channel
fader level will be ignored.
When an ESAM fader is turned on, the [SEL] button status changes depending on the chan-
nel status, as follows:
• Off.................................. ESAM fader is off.
• Lights up red ................ ESAM fader (FROM channel) is on.
• Flashes red.................... ESAM fader (TO channel) is on.
• Lights up green ............ESAM fader (non-FROM/TO channel) is on.
Note: When the MOTOR button is turned off, the physical position of the faders will not cor-
respond to the actual fader levels. In this case, touch a fader or turn the MOTOR button on
to match the fader position and level.
Note: If your video editor does not transmit commands for monitoring, you will need to make
routing settings for the channels being monitored so that the assignment to the stereo bus is
turned on.