116 Chapter 9—Input & Output Patching
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Insert Patching
The DM1000’s Input Channels and Output Channels (Stereo Out, Bus Out 1–8, Aux Out
1–8) feature independent Insert Ins and Outs. Inputs, outputs, slot channels, and internal
effects processor inputs and outputs can be patched to the Output Channel Insert Ins and
Outs. In this way, you can send the signals to external effects processors for processing, or
insert internal effects.
Individual Insert Patching
You can patch the DM1000’s inputs, outputs, slot channels, and effects processor inputs and
outputs to the Insert Ins and Outs. The same procedure applies to both Input Channels and
Output Channels.
1 Press the [SEL] button or move the fader of an Input Channel or Output
Channel for Insert patching.
2 Press the [ /INSERT/DELAY] button repeatedly until the /INS/DLY | Insert
page appears.
This page contains the following parameters:
This parameter determines the insert position of the Insert patch or compressor. The
insert position is indicated by highlighted COMP or INSERT buttons.
Input Output
Output connector Input connector
Insert Out Insert In