94 Chapter 8—Aux Sends
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Setting Aux Out 1–8 from the Control Surface
You can use the faders, Encoders, [SEL] buttons, and various buttons and controls in the
SELECTED CHANNEL section on the top panel to directly control certain parameters for
Aux Out 1–8.
Setting Levels
To set Aux Out 1–8 levels, press the [MASTER] button in the LAYER section to select the
Master layer, then move faders 1–8. At this time, you can turn Aux Out 1–8 on or off using
the corresponding [ON] 1–8 buttons.
EQ settings
To control Aux Out 1–8 EQ parameters, select the desired Aux Out (1–8) using the corre-
sponding [SEL] button or fader, then use the buttons and controls in the SELECTED
CHANNEL section. The parameters on this page (and the procedure for setting them) are
the same as for Input Channels (see page 75).
Setting Aux Out 1–8 from the Display
To set Aux Out 1–8 parameters, you can either move the cursor to the desired parameter on
the screen and change the value, or operate the desired button or control on the top panel.
This section explains how to set the parameters on the screen.
Attenuating Aux Outs
To attenuate Aux Out 1–8 signals, press the SELECTED CHANNEL EQUALIZER [DIS-
PLAY] button repeatedly to display the EQ | Out Att page.
The parameters on this page (and the procedure for setting them) are the same as for Input
Channels, except that this page does not include the bit shift parameters (see page 67).
Tip: Refer to Chapter 9 “Input & Output Patching” on page 109 for more information on
how to set inserts.