MIDI Data Format 373
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Appendix Parameter request (Remote Meter)
This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter
change ECHO] is ON.
When this is received, data of the specified address is transmitted on the [Rx
CH] at intervals of 50 msec as a rule (although this may not be the case if the
port is being used by other communication), for a period of 10 seconds.
If Address UL= 0x7F is received, transmission of all meter data will be halted
immediately. (disable)
If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without
change. Parameter change (Remote Time Counter)
When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request of Remote Time Counter,
the Time Counter data is transmitted every 50 msec for 10 seconds. When you
want to transmit Counter information continuously, a Request must be trans-
mitted within every 10 seconds.
This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request, the Time Counter infor-
mation is transmitted on [RxCH] channel every 50 msec for 10 seconds.
Transmission will be disabled if the power is turned off and on again, or if the
PORT setting is changed.
If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without
change. Parameter request (Remote Time Counter)
This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter
change ECHO] is ON.
When this is received, the Time Counter information is transmitted on the [Rx
CH] channel every 50 msec for 10 seconds.
When the second byte of Address is received on 0x7F, data transmission will be
halted immediately. (disable)
If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without
change. Parameter change (Automix Status)
When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request of Automix status, the Au-
tomix Status data is transmitted every second for 10 seconds. When you want
to transmit the Automix Status information continuously, the Request must be
transmitted continuously minimum within 10 seconds interval. The data is
transmitted continuously while the transmission is enabled, even when the Au-
tomix Status on the DM1000 has been changed.
This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When the transmission is set to enable by receiving a Request. The Automix Sta-
tus data is transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel every second for 10 seconds. The
data is transmitted continuously while the transmission is enabled, even when
the Automix Status on the DM1000 has been changed.
Transmission will be disabled if the power is turned off and on again, or if the
PORT setting is changed.
If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without
change. Parameter request (Automix Status)
This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
device number included in the SUB STATUS.
This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When the data is received, the Automix Status data is transmitted on the [Rx
CH] every second for 10 seconds.
When the second byte of Address is received on 0x7F, data transmission will be
halted immediately (disable).
If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001100 0C
ADDRESS 00100001 21
Remote meter
0mmmmmmm mm
0mmmmmmm mm
0mmmmmmm mm
0ccccccc ch
Count H
0ccccccc cl
Count L
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001100 0C
ADDRESS 00100010 22
Remote Time counter
0000tttt 0t
0:Time code, 1:Measure.Beat.Clock
0ddddddd dd
Hour / Measure H
0ddddddd dd
Minute / Measure L
DATA 0ddddddd dd
Second / Beat
0ddddddd dd
Frame / Clock
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001100 0C
ADDRESS 00100010 22
Remote Time counter
0ddddddd dd
0:Transmission request,
0x7F:Transmission stop request
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001100 0C
ADDRESS 00100011 23
Automix status
00000000 00
0000dddd 0d
Automix status H
0000dddd 0d
Automix status L
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001100 0C
ADDRESS 00100011 23
Automix status
0ddddddd dd
0:Transmission request,
0x7F:Transmission stop request
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive