GS1920 Series User’s Guide364
age 120
hops 120
maximum transmission unit 327
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface Crossover) 28
and SNMP 303
supported MIBs 304
MIB (Management Information Base) 303
mirroring ports 131
monitor port 131, 132
mounting brackets 25
MRSTP status 117
MST ID 126
MST Instance, See MSTI 126
MST region 125
MSTI 126
MSTP 108, 110
bridge ID 123, 124
configuration 118
configuration digest 124
forwarding delay 120
Hello Time 123
hello time 120
Max Age 123
max age 120
max hops 120
path cost 121
port priority 121
revision level 120
status 122
MTU 327
MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 63
IGMP throttling 166
IP addresses 161
setup 164
multicast group 168
multicast VLAN 171
Multiple Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 110
Multiple RSTP 110
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol, See MSTP 108, 110
Multiple STP 110
MVR 162
configuration 170
group configuration 171
network example 162
MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 162
network applications 20
network management system (NMS) 303
NTP (RFC-1305) 62
PAGP 217
password 39
administrator 299
Path MTU 327
Path MTU Discovery 327
PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 263
ping, test connection 312
policy 155
and classifier 155
and DiffServ 154
configuration 155
example 157
overview 154
rules 154
viewing 157
Port Aggregation Protocol, see PAgP
port authentication 140
and RADIUS 176
IEEE802.1x 141, 178
port based VLAN type 64
port cloning 328, 329
advanced settings 328, 329
basic settings 328, 329
port details 55
port isolation 99
port mirroring 131, 132
direction 132
egress 132
ingress 132
port redundancy 133
port security 146
limit MAC address learning
MAC address learning 146