Chapter 13 xDSL Port Setup
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
13.8 Virtual Channels
Defining virtual channels (also called Permanent Virtual Circuits or PVCs) allows you to set
priorities for different services or subscribers. You can define up to eight channels on each
DSL port and use them for different services or levels of service. You set the PVID that is
assigned to untagged frames received on each channel. You also set an IEEE 802.1p priority
for each of the PVIDs. In this way you can assign different priorities to different channels (and
consequently the services that get carried on them or the subscribers that use them).
For example, you want to give high priority to voice service on one of the ADSL ports.
Use the Edit Static VLAN screen to configure a static VLAN on the IES-612-51A for voice
on the port.
Use the ADSL Edit Port Channel Setup screen to:
• Configure a channel on the port for voice service.
• Set the channel to use the PVID of the static VLAN you configured.
• Assign the channel a high priority.
13.8.1 Super Channel
The IES-612-51A forwards frames belonging to VLAN groups that are not assigned to
specific channels to the super channel. Enable the super channel option to allow a channel
forward frames belonging to multiple VLAN groups (that are not assigned to other channels).
The super channel functions in the same way as the channel in a single channel environment.
One port can have only one super channel.
DS Carrier1
Mask0 represents tones 256~287
Mask1 represents tones 288~319
Mask2 represents tones 320~351
Mask3 represents tones 352~383
Mask4 represents tones 384~415
Mask5 represents tones 416~447
Mask6 represents tones 448~479
Mask7 represents tones 480~511
For example, use 0x00001000 in Mask1 to disable downstream carrier tone
307. Use 0x0000f000 in Mask1 to disable downstream carrier tones 304 to 307.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the IES-612-51A’s volatile memory. The
IES-612-51A loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the
Config Save link on the navigation panel to save your changes to the non-
volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring the fields again.
Table 20 xDSL Port Setting (continued)