Chapter 32 Downstream Broadcast
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
Index This field displays the number of the downstream broadcast blocking entry.
Port This is the number of a DSL port through which you will block downstream
broadcast traffic (on a specific VLAN).
VLAN This field displays the number of a VLAN to which you do not want to send
broadcast traffic (on the entry’s port).
Select Select an entry’s Select check box and click Delete to remove the entry.
Clicking Delete saves your changes to the IES-612-51A’s volatile memory.
The IES-612-51A loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use
the Config Save link on the navigation panel to save your changes to the non-
volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Select All Click All to mark all of the check boxes.
Select None Click None to un-mark all of the check boxes.
Table 71 Downstream Broadcast (continued)