Chapter 52 ADSL Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
The profile is a table that contains information on DSL line configuration. Each entry in this
table reflects a parameter defined by a manager, which can be used to configure the DSL line.
Note that the default value will be used for any of the above fields that are omitted.
The upstream rate must be less than or equal to the downstream rate.
Even though you can specify arbitrary numbers in the profile set command, the actual rate is
always a multiple of 32 Kbps. If you enter a rate that is not a multiple of 32 Kbps, the actual
rate will be the next lower multiple of 32Kbps. For instance, if you specify 60 Kbps for a port,
the actual rate for that port will not exceed 32 Kbps, and if you specify 66 Kbps, the actual rate
will not be over 64Kbps.
The DSL up/down shift noise margins define the threshold that triggers rate adaptation. For
The target SNR is 6, and the up/down shift noise margins are 9/3.
If the signal becomes better and the SNR is higher than 9, rate adaptation is triggered and the
line rate becomes higher
If the signal becomes bad and the SNR is lower than 3, rate adaptation is triggered and the line
rate becomes lower.
The following example creates a premium profile (named gold) for providing subscribers with
very high connection speeds and no interleave delay. It also sets the upstream target signal/
noise margin to 5 db, the upstream minimum acceptable signal/noise margin to 0 db, the
upstream maximum acceptable signal/noise margin to 30 db, the upstream minimum DSL
transmission rate to 128 Kbps, the downstream target signal/noise margin to 5 db, the
downstream minimum acceptable signal/noise margin to 0 db, the downstream maximum
acceptable signal/noise margin to 30 db and the downstream minimum DSL transmission rate
to 256Kbps.
The upstream down shift noise margin is 0 dB. The upstream up shift noise margin is 6 dB.
The downstream down shift noise margin is 0 dB. The downstream up shift noise margin is 6
<down max
The maximum acceptable DSL downstream signal/noise
margin (0-31db).
<down min rate> =
The minimum DSL downstream transmission rate (32-
32000 Kbps).
<up down shift
The upstream down shift noise margin (0~31 in dB).
<up up shift
The upstream up shift noise margin (0~31 in dB).
<down down
shift margin>
The downstream down shift noise margin (0~31 in dB).
<down up shift
The downstream up shift noise margin (0~31 in dB).
Figure 216 DSL Port Profile Set Command Example 1
ras> adsl profile set gold fast 1200 24000 5 0 30 128 5 0 30 256 0 6 0 6