Chapter 46 MAC Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
This command sets whether the IES-612-51A allows or blocks access for the MAC addresses
you specify.
The following example sets DSL port 5 to allow frames from the MAC addresses specified for
DSL port 5.
46.2.5 MAC Filter Set Command
ras> switch mac filter set <port> <mac> [<mac> <mac> ...]
This command adds an allowed source MAC address on the specified DSL port.
The following example adds source MAC address 00:a0:c5:12:34:56 for DSL port 5.
46.2.6 MAC Filter Delete Command
ras> switch mac filter delete <port> <mac> [<mac> <mac> ...]
This command removes a configured source MAC address from the DSL port that you specify.
The following example removes the source MAC address of 00:a0:c5:12:34:56 from the MAC
filter for DSL port 5.
Figure 164 MAC Filter Mode Command Example
ras> switch mac filter mode 5 accept
<port> =
The number of a DSL port.
<mac> =
The source MAC address in "00:a0:c5:12:34:56" format.
Figure 165 MAC Filter Set Command Example
ras> switch mac filter set 5 00:a0:c5:12:34:56
<port> =
The number of a DSL port.
<mac> =
The source MAC address in "00:a0:c5:12:34:56" format.
Figure 166 MAC Filter Delete Command Example
ras> switch mac filter delete 5 00:a0:c5:12:34:56