Chapter 45 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
45.4 IEEE VLAN1Q Tagged VLAN Configuration Commands
These switch commands allow you to configure and monitor the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN.
45.4.1 VLAN Port Show Command
ras> switch vlan portshow [portlist]
This command displays the port’s IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag settings.
The following example shows the settings for DSL port 1.
45.4.2 VLAN PVID Command
ras> switch vlan pvid <portlist> <pvid>
This command sets a default VLAN ID for all untagged packets that come in through the
specified port.
The following example sets the default VID of port 1 to 200.
45.4.3 VLAN Priority Command
ras> switch vlan priority <portlist> <priority>
[portlist] =
You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of
ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports
Figure 150 VLAN Port Show Command Example
ras> switch vlan portshow 3
port pvid priority frametype
----- ---- -------- ---------
3 1 0 all
<portlist> =
You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of
ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports
<pvid> =
The VLAN ID. Valid parameter range = [1 – 4094].
Figure 151 VLAN PVID Command Example
ras> switch vlan pvid 1 200