Chapter 34 Access Control
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
34.3.1 Supported MIBs
MIBs let administrators collect statistics and monitor status and performance. See Appendix
on page 417 for the list of MIBs the IES-612-51A supports.
34.3.2 SNMP Traps
The IES-612-51A can send the following SNMP traps to an SNMP manager when an event
occurs. ATUC refers to the downstream channel (for traffic going from the IES-612-51A to the
subscriber). ATUR refers to the upstream channel (for traffic coming from the subscriber to
the IES-612-51A).
Table 75 SNMPv2 Traps
coldStart This trap is sent when the IES-612-51A is turned on.
warmStart This trap is sent when the IES-612-51A restarts.
linkDown This trap is sent when the Ethernet link is down. Enterprise specific
(adsl_atuc_los) traps are sent when an ADSL link is down.
linkUp This trap is sent when the Ethernet or ADSL link comes up.
authenticationFailure This trap is sent when the SNMP community check fails.
reboot This trap is sent when the system is going to reboot. The variable is the
reason for the system reboot.
overheat This trap is sent when the system is overheated. The variable is the
current system temperature in Celsius.
overheatOver This trap is sent when the system is no longer overheated. The
variable is the current system temperature in Celsius.
voltageOutOfRange This trap is sent when the voltage of the system is out of the normal
range. The variable is the current voltage of the system in volts.
voltageNormal This trap is sent when the voltage of the system is back within the
normal range. The variable is the current voltage of the system in volts.
thermalSensorFailure This trap is sent when the thermal sensor fails.
adslAtucLof This trap is sent when a Loss Of Frame is detected on the ATUC.
adslAturLof This trap is sent when a Loss Of Frame is detected on the ATUR.
adslAtucLos This trap is sent when a Loss Of Signal is detected on the ATUC.
adslAturLos This trap is sent when a Loss Of Signal is detected on the ATUR.
adslAturLpr This trap is sent when a Loss Of Power is detected on the ATUR.
adslAtucLofClear This trap is sent when the Loss Of Frame detected on the ATUC is
adslAturLofClear This trap is sent when the Loss Of Frame detected on the ATUR is
adslAtucLosClear This trap is sent when the Loss Of Signal detected on the ATUC is
adslAturLosClear This trap is sent when the Loss Of Signal detected on the ATUR is
adslAturLprClear This trap is sent when the Loss Of Power detected on the ATUR is