Aliases take precedence over DNS. When you enter a hostname, MSS checks
for an alias with that name first, before using DNS to resolve the name.
Examples — The following command configures the default domain
name example.com:
WX1200# set ip dns domain example.com
Domain name changed
See Also
clear ip dns domain on page 139
clear ip dns server on page 139
display ip dns on page 154
set ip dns on page 175
set ip dns server on page 176
set ip dns server Specifies a DNS server to use for resolving hostnames you enter in CLI
Syntax —
set ip dns server ip-addr {primary | secondary}
ip-addr — IP address of a DNS server, in dotted decimal or CIDR
primary — Makes the server the primary server, which MSS always
consults first for resolving DNS queries.
secondary — Makes the server a secondary server. MSS consults a
secondary server only if the primary server does not reply.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
Usage — You can configure a WX to use one primary DNS server and up
to five secondary DNS servers.
Examples — The following commands configure a WX to use a primary
DNS server and two secondary DNS servers:
WX1200# set ip dns server primary
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set ip dns server secondary