Examples — The following command mesh link information for AP 7:
WX# display ap mesh-links 7
AP: 7 IP-addr:
Operational Mode: Mesh-Portal
Downlink Mesh-APs
BSSID: 00:0b:0e:17:bb:3f (54 Mbps)
packets bytes
TX: 307 44279
RX: 315 215046
The following command displays statistics for the path of mesh services
devices that MAP is part of.
WX# display ap mesh-links 7 path
Status Flags:
m - Mesh AP, p - Mesh Portal, b - Bridging
AP Current Uplink Uplink Uplink Packets
Num Status AP RSN RX TX
0007 ---- -
Table 58 describes the fields in the display ap mesh-links output.
Table 58 Output for display ap mesh-links
Field Description
AP Identifier for the MAP on the WX switch.
Name VLAN name
IP-addr IP address of the MAP.
Operational Mode Whether this MAP is a Mesh AP or a Mesh Portal AP
Downlink Mesh-APs Information about the Mesh APs for
which this MAP is a Mesh Portal MAP.
Downlink Mess-APs Information about the Mesh APs for which this MAP is a
Mesh Portal MAP.
BSSID The BSSID of the Mesh AP.
TX The amount of traffic (packets and bytes) transmitted to the
Mesh AP.
RX The amount of traffic (packets and bytes) received from the
Mesh AP.