set ap radio channel 387
A radio also can increase power, in 1 dBm increments, if a client falls
below the minimum allowed data rate. After a radio increases power, all
clients must be at the minimum data rate or higher and the maximum
retransmissions must be within the allowed percentile, before the radio
begins reducing power again.
Examples — The following command changes the max-retransmissions
value to 20:
WX1200# set ap 6 radio 1 auto-tune max-retransmissions 20
success: change accepted.
See Also
set ap radio auto-tune max-power on page 384
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page 406
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval on page 407
set ap radio
Sets a MAP radio’s channel.
Syntax — set ap port-list radio {1 | 2}
channel channel-number
ap ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
channel channel-number — Channel number. The valid channel
numbers depend on the country of operation.
Defaults — The default channel depends on the radio type:
The default channel number for 802.11b/g is 6.
The default channel number for 802.11a is the lowest valid channel
number for the country of operation.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Version 6.0 removed the dap