display ap global 345
See Also
display ap config on page 316
display ap global on page 345
display ap unconfigured on page 347
display ap global Displays connection information for Distributed MAPs configured on a
Syntax —
display ap global [ap-number | serial-id serial-ID]
ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
serial-id serial-ID — MAP access point serial ID.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Version 6.0 removed the dap
Usage — Connections are shown only for the Distributed MAPs that are
configured on the WX switch from which you enter the command, and
only for the Mobility Domain the switch is in.
To show information only for Distributed MAPs that have active
connections, use the display ap connection command.
Table 65 Output of display ap connection
Field Description
AP ID assigned to the Distributed MAP.
If the connection is configured on another WX switch, this
field contains a hyphen ( - ).
Serial Id Serial ID of the Distributed MAP.
AP IP Address IP address assigned by DHCP to the Distributed MAP.
WX IP Address System IP address of the WX switch on which the MAP has
an active connection. This is the switch that the MAP used
for booting and configuration and is using for data transfer.