display spantree 489
7 1 Forwarding 19 128 Disabled
8 1 Disabled 19 128 Disabled
9 1 Disabled 19 128 Disabled
17 1 STP Off 19 128 Disabled
18 1 STP Off 19 128 Disabled
Table 75 describes the fields in this display.
Table 75 Output for display spantree
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number.
Spanning tree mode In the current software version, the mode is always
PVST+, which means Per VLAN Spanning Tree+.
Spanning tree type In the current software version, the type is always IEEE
802, which means STP is based on the IEEE 802
Spanning tree enabled State of STP on the VLAN.
Designated root MAC address of the spanning tree’s root bridge.
Designated root priority Bridge priority of the root bridge.
Designated root path cost Cumulative cost from this bridge to the root bridge. If
this WX switch is the root bridge, then the root cost is
Designated root port Port through which this WX switch reaches the root
If this WX switch is the root bridge, this field says We
are the root.
Root max age Maximum acceptable age for hello packets on the root
Root hello time Hello interval on the root bridge.
Root forward delay Forwarding delay value on the root bridge.
Bridge Id mac addr This WX switch’s MAC address.
Bridge Id priority This WX switch’s bridge priority.
Bridge max age This WX switch’s maximum acceptable age for hello
Bridge hello time This WX switch’s hello interval.
Bridge forward delay This WX switch’s forwarding delay value.