set radio-profile
Maps a service profile to a radio profile. All radios that use the radio
profile also use the parameter settings, including SSID and encryption
settings, in the service profile.
Syntax —
set radio-profile name service-profile name
radio-profile name — Radio profile name of up to 16 alphanumeric
characters, with no spaces.
service-profile name — Service profile name of up to 16
alphanumeric characters, with no spaces.
Defaults — A radio profile does not have a service profile associated
with it by default. In this case, the radios in the radio profile use the
default settings for parameters controlled by the service profile. Table 73
lists the parameters controlled by a service profile and their default
Table 73 Defaults for Service Profile Parameters
Parameter Default Value
Radio Behavior When Parameter Set
to Default Value
attr No attributes
Does not assign the SSID’s authorization
attribute values to SSID users, even if
attributes are not otherwise assigned.
auth-dot1x enable When the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
information element (IE) is enabled, uses
802.1X to authenticate WPA clients.
auth-fallthru web-auth Uses WebAAA for users who do not
match an 802.1X or MAC authentication
rule for the SSID requested by the user.
auth-psk disable Does not support using a preshared key
(PSK) to authenticate WPA clients.
beacon enable Sends beacons to advertise the SSID
managed by the service profile.
cac-mode none Does not limit the number of active user
sessions based on Call Admission Control
cac-session 14 If session-based CAC is enabled
(cac-mode is set to session), limits the
number of active user sessions on a radio
to 14.