display auto-tune attributes 339
Examples — The following command displays RF attribute information
for radio 1 on the directly connected MAP access point on port 2:
WX1200# display auto-tune attributes ap 2 radio 1
Auto-tune attributes for port 2 radio 1:
Noise: -92 Packet Retransmission Count: 0
Utilization: 0 Phy Errors Count: 0
CRC Errors count: 122
Table 62 describes the fields in this display.
See Also
display auto-tune neighbors on page 340
display radio-profile on page 350
set ap radio auto-tune max-power on page 384
set ap radio auto-tune max- retransmissions on page 385
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-config on page 402
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown on page 403
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-interval on page 404
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page 406
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval on page 407
Table 62 Output for display auto-tune attributes
Field Description
Noise Noise threshold on the active channel. RF Auto-Tuning
prefers channels with low noise levels over channels with
higher noise levels.
Utilization Number of multicast packets per second that a radio can
send on a channel while continuously sending fixed size
frames over a period of time. The number of packets that are
successfully transmitted indicates how busy the channel is.
CRC Errors count Number of frames received by the radio on that active
channel that had CRC errors. A high CRC error count can
indicate a hidden node or co-channel interference.
Number of retransmitted packets sent from the client to the
radio on the active channel. Retransmissions can indicate
that the client is not receiving ACKs from the MAP radio.
Phy Errors Count Number of frames received by the MAP radio that had
physical layer errors on the active channel. Phy errors can
indicate interference from a non-802.11 device.