
U Index
61200305L1-1 ATLAS 550 User Manual Index-7
Total PCV Thrsh (ESF) 6-13
Total SEFS Thrsh 6-13
Total SES Thrsh 6-13
Total UAS Thrsh 6-13
Transfer Method 6-18, 6-20
Transmission 6-14
Trap Filtering 6-11
Trap Transmission 6-11
Traps Destination 6-11
Treat Call As
Network Term 11-5
User Term 11-8
Triggered 9-7
Trunk Number
Dual T1/Network Term/RBS 11-16
Network Term (Pckt Manager) 11-
Trunk Usage 6-7
Trunk Usage, Data Tables 6-7
0(zero) available 6-7
Average 6-7
Current 6-7
Minimum 6-7
Slt/Prt 6-7
Trunk Type 6-7
TTL 9-5
Tx and Rx 9-7
Tx BECN 8-18
Tx Burst Sec 8-19
Tx Bytes
Interval/Day (Link) 8-16
PVC, interval or day 8-18
Tx CR 8-19
Tx DE 8-18
Tx FECN 8-18
Tx Frames
Ethernet Port 6-5
Interval/Day 8-16
PVC, interval or day 8-18
Tx Full Stat 8-17
Tx LI only 8-17
Tx Only 9-6
Tx Packets
Frame Relay 8-4
TBOP statistics 8-5
Tx Pckts 8-6
Tx Pending 9-4
Tx PRMs 7-6
Tx Stats 6-24, 9-10
Tx Yellow 7-6
ARP Cache 9-4
Current Update Status 6-19
Modules 7-2
UAS 7-5
UDP Port 1 9-15
UDP Port 2 9-15
UDP Port 3 9-15
UDP Relay 9-15
UDP Statistics 9-14
Unknown Sig Role 8-3
Unknown Sig Type 8-3
unreachable route 9-1
Update Firmware 6-17
Update Status 6-20
Updates 9-7
updating firmware 12-1
updating firmware using TFTP 12-3
Usage 8-11
Used Routes 9-5
User Bad Event Threshold (N392) 8-7
User Event Window Size (N393) 8-7
user interface configuration menus
Dual Nx56/64 Module 11-22
Dual T1/PRI Module (PRI) 11-17
Dual T1/PRI Module (RBS) 11-20
Quad BRI/U Module 11-25
User Poll Timer (T391) 8-7
User Polls Per Status (N391) 8-7
User, Sig Role 8-3
Using Calling Party Num 11-30
Using Incoming Num 11-30
using the front panel 4-1
V2 Secret 9-8
View IQ Statistics 8-15
View Selftest Log 6-22
Voice 11-23
Voice Compression 11-32
voice compression/decompression 1-6
Voice Port 11-32
VT-100 operation 3-1
VT-100 terminal emulation 3-1
VT-100 Utility
About 14-10
ASCII Cfg Files 14-9
ATLAS 550 14-8
AutoRepeat 14-10
Capture 14-10
Colors 14-10
Connect 14-9
Contents 14-10
Disconnect 14-9
Edit 14-9
File Transfer 14-9
Help 14-10
Local Echo 14-10
Options 14-9
Port 14-9
Refresh Screen 14-9
Session 14-9
Transmit Refresh 14-9
Transmit Wakeup 14-9
warranty information ix
warranty, limited product ix
Wink after ANI/DNIS 11-15, 11-21
YELLOW alarm 7-4