
61204025L1-1C © 2004 ADTRAN, Inc 55
Appendix C Acronyms/Abbreviations
ACK acknowledgment
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AR access rate
ARP address resolution protocol
async asynchronous
BECN backward explicit congestion notification
BOP bit oriented protocol
CCITT Consultive Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy
CD carrier detect
CO central office
CPE customer premise equipment
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CS clear to send
CSU channel service unit
CTS clear to send
dB decibel
DBU Dial backup
DCD data carrier detect
DCE data communications equipment
DDS digital data service
DE discard eligible
DLCI data link connection identifier
DSAP directory scope analysis program
DSR data set ready
DSU data service unit
DTE data terminal equipment
DTR data terminal ready
FDL facility data link
FECN forward explicit congestion notification
FEP front end processor
FIFO first in first out