Store Sweep Trace – Control Byte #16 (10h)
Description: Saves current trace to the next available memory location. Trace name can be set using control byte #9, “Set
Reference Number” before executing this command.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: 5 bytes
1-4) Time/Date Stamp (In long integer format)
5) Operation result:
255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Out of memory (Memory full)
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Recall Sweep Trace – Control Byte #17 (11h)
NOTE: This command exists for backward compatibility with the S33xC models. Features new to the
S33xD models are not available here. To access the new features, use Control Byte #33 (21h). This
command cannot be used with a frequency converter module attached (Option 6 required).
Description: Queries the Site Master for sweep trace data.
Note: Before you can recall a sweep stored in non-volatile memory (trace numbers 1-200) you must build a trace table in the
Site Master’s RAM. Use Control Byte #24 to build the trace table. Since the trace table exists in RAM, Control Byte #24
must be executed every time the Site Master’s power is cycled.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
0 = Last sweep trace before entering remote mode (sweep trace in RAM)
1- 200 = Specific saved sweep number (stored sweeps in Flash memory)
Site Master Returns:
1-2) # of following bytes (total length - 2)
3-4) Not Used
5-11) Model Number (7 bytes in ASCII)
12-15) Software Version (4 bytes ASCII)
16) Measurement Mode
17-20) Time/Date (in Long Integer
21-30) Date in String Format (mm/dd/yyyy)
31-38) Time in String Format (hh:mm:ss)
39-54) Reference number stamp (16 bytes in ASCII)
55-56) # data points (130, 259, 517 or 400)
For all Site Master Modes:
57) Start Frequency
(highest byte)
58) Start Frequency
59) Start Frequency
60) Start Frequency (lowest byte)
61) Stop Frequency (highest byte)
62) Stop Frequency
14 Site Master PM
3 Refer to Control Byte #3 “Select Measurement Mode” for detailed value.
4 Time/Date long integer representation is in seconds since January 1, 1970
5 Frequency units are Hz