1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Not enough bytes transferred, “B” trace requested to be used in calculations
or displayed, but no trace or invalid trace specified
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Upload Sweep Trace – Control Byte #36 (24h)
This command is new to the S33xD. Use it, instead of Control Bytes #26 and #28, to access the new
Description: Uploads a sweep trace to the Site Master.
Bytes to Follow:
For All Modes:
1-2) # of following bytes
3) Measurement Mode
4-7) Time/Date (in Long Integer)
8-17) Date in String Format (MM/DD/YYYY)
18-25) Time in String Format (HH:MM:SS)
26-41) Reference number stamp (16 ASCII bytes)
42-43) # of data points (130, 259, 517 or 401 or 100)
For VNA Modes:
44) Start Frequency (highest byte)
45) Start Frequency
46) Start Frequency
47) Start Frequency (lowest byte)
48) Stop Frequency (highest byte)
49) Stop Frequency
50) Stop Frequency
51) Stop Frequency (lowest byte)
52) Minimum Frequency Step Size (highest byte)
53) Minimum Frequency Step Size
54) Minimum Frequency Step Size
55) Minimum Frequency Step Size (lowest byte)
56) Scale Top (highest byte)
57) Scale Top
58) Scale Top
59) Scale Top (lowest byte)
60) Scale Bottom (highest byte)
61) Scale Bottom
62) Scale Bottom
63) Scale Bottom (lowest byte)
64) Frequency Marker 1 (higher byte)
65) Frequency Marker 1 (lower byte)
66) Frequency Marker 2 (higher byte)
62 Site Master PM
212 See Control Byte #3 “Set Measurement Mode” for available measurement modes.
213 Frequency in Hz
214 See Control Byte #4, “Set Site Master VNA Scale” for data format.
215 Marker point = (Number of data points – 1) * (marker freq – start freq) / (stop freq – start freq)