170) Relative Propagation Velocity (highest byte)
171) Relative Propagation Velocity
172) Relative Propagation Velocity
173) Relative Propagation Velocity (lowest byte)
174) Cable Loss (highest byte)
175) Cable Loss
176) Cable Loss
177) Cable Loss (lowest byte)
178) Average Cable Loss
(highest byte)
179) Average Cable Loss
180) Average Cable Loss
181) Average Cable Loss (lowest byte)
182) Status Byte 1: ( 0b = Off , 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Marker 1 On/Off
bit 1 : Marker 2 On/Off
bit 2 : Marker 3 On/Off
bit 3 : Marker 4 On/Off
bit 4 : Marker 5 On/Off
bit 5 : Marker 6 On/Off
bits 6-7 : Not Used
183) Status Byte 2: (0b = Off, 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Marker 2 Delta On/Off
bit 1 : Marker 3 Delta On/Off
bit 2 : Marker 4 Delta On/Off
bits 3-7: Not Used
184) Status Byte 3: (0b = Off , 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Single Limit On/Off
bit 1: CW On/Off
bit 2: Trace Math On/Off
bits 3-5: Not Used
bit 6 : Limit Type ( 0b = Single; 1b = Multiple)
bit 7 : Unit of measurement (1b = Metric, 0b = English)
185) Status Byte 4:
(LSB) bit0-1:DTFWindowing Mode
bit: 1 0
0 0 - Rectangular (No Windowing)
0 1 - Nominal Side Lobe
1 0 - Low Side Lobe
1 1 - Minimum Side Lobe
186) Status Byte 5 (Cal Status) :
00h : Calibration Off
01h : Standard Calibration On
02h : InstaCal Calibration On
03h : Standard FlexCal On
04h : InstaCal FlexCal On
187) VNA Signal Standard
(higher byte)
64 Site Master PM
220 Relative Propagation Velocity uses units 1/100,000
221 Cable Loss uses units 1/100,000 dB/m or 1/100,000 dB/ft
222 Average Cable Loss is dB * 1000.
223 Index into Standard List (use control byte #89 to retrieve the ASCII string name). “No Standard” sent as FFFEh