86) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only)
87) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only)
88) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only) (lowest byte)
89) Errored Seconds (highest byte)
90) Errored Seconds
91) Errored Seconds
92) Errored Seconds (lowest byte)
93) Bit Count (highest byte)
94) Bit Count
95) Bit Count
96) Bit Count (lowest byte)
97) Bit Errors (highest byte)
98) Bit Errors
99) Bit Errors
100) Bit Errors (lowest byte)
101) User Defined Pattern (convert to binary for pattern) (highest byte)
102) User Defined Pattern
103) User Defined Pattern
104) User Defined Pattern (lowest byte)
105 – 112) Measurement Start Time String (ASCII string: “HH:MM:SS”)
113 – 123) Measurement Stop Time String (ASCII string: “DD:HH:MM:SS”)
124 – 134) Elapsed Time String (ASCII string: “DD:HH:MM:SS”)
135 – 142) Bit Error Rate String (ASCII string in engineering format: x.xxE-xx)
143 – 642) 100 data points with 5 bytes for each data point.
byte has information about Carrier Loss, Frame Loss, BPV and CRC
Following 4 bytes corresponds to the Bit Error Count
Break down of the 1
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Not Used Not Used Not Used Carrier Loss Frame Loss BPV Error
Any Error
643) Vpp or dBdsx (higher byte)
644) Vpp or dBdsx (lower byte)
645) T1 or E1 Receive Frequency in Hz (highest byte)
646) T1 or E1 Receive Frequency in Hz
647) T1 or E1 Receive Frequency in Hz
648) T1 or E1 Receive Frequency in Hz (lowest byte)
649 – 750) Not Used
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Not enough bytes transferred
225 (E1h) Memory Error: Not enough memory to store data
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Get Options – Control Byte #37 (25h)
Description: Queries the option(s) installed on the Site Master, returns a list as an ASCII string.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: Number of bytes depends on the option(s) installed:
Option 3: “3/”
Site Master PM 71