Battery Voltage in 1/10th of a Volt (e.g. 124 = 12.4 Volts)
Temperature in 1/10th of degree Celsius (e.g., 362 = 36.2°C) or degree Fahrenheit (e.g., 934 = 93.4°F), depending on the
current measurement unit (Metric or English) selected
Read Fail Counter – Control Byte #22 (16h)
Description: Reads the Fail Counter. Values are integer numbers of failures.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: 8 bytes
1) Value of SM Lock Fail Counter (higher byte)
2) Value of SM Lock Fail Counter (lower byte)
3) Value of Integration Fail Counter (higher byte)
4) Value of Integration Fail Counter (lower byte)
5) Value of SA Lock Fail Counter (higher byte)
6) Value of SA Lock Fail Counter (lower byte)
7) Value of SA Fatal Error Counter (higher byte)
8) Value of SA Fatal Error Counter (lower byte)
Query Trace Names – Control Byte #24 (18h)
Description: Returns a list of all saved traces.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: 3 + (41 x number of saved traces) bytes
1-2) # of saved traces
For each trace:
1-2) Trace Index
3) Measurement Mode (refer to Control Byte #3)
4-21) Date/Time in string format (“MM/DD/YYYYHH:MM:SS”)
22-25) Date/Time as Unsigned Long Integer (Seconds Since January 1, 1970)
26-41) Trace Name (16 bytes)
255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
Delete Sweep Trace – Control Byte #25 (19h)
Description: Delete single trace or all stored sweep traces in Site Master.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) 0 - Delete all traces
X - Delete single trace #X
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
Site Master PM 29