Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Location to save system setup parameters:
0 – 10 for SWR Mode, Return Loss Mode, Cable Loss Mode and DTF Mode
0 – 5 for Spectrum Analyzer Mode, Transmission Mode (Option 21) and Power Meter Mode (Option 29)
0 – 5 for T1/E1 Modes (Option 50)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid store location
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Recall System Setup – Control Byte #19 (13h)
Description: Recalls system setup parameters from a specific store location. Storage locations depend on the measurement
mode of the current setup. When the current mode is Spectrum Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer setups (1-5) can be recalled.
When the current mode is one of the Site Master VNA modes (SWR, RL, CL, DTF), one of the 10 VNA mode setups can be
recalled. When the current mode is T1/E1, one of the T1/E1 setups can be recalled (1-5).
The Site Master recalls all parameters described in Query System Status - control byte #29 (1Dh), (except Serial Port Echo
Status) from the specified store location. The recalled setup does not automatically become the power-on runtime setup when
exiting remote.
You may want to save the recalled setup as the run-time setup by saving it to setup location 0 (which holds the power-on
runtime setup). See control byte #18 (12h) for details.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Location from which to recall system setup parameters:
0 = Run time setup for all measurement modes
1 – 10 = Saved setups for Site Master VNA modes SWR, RL, CL, DTF
1 – 5 = Saved setups for SPA Mode, Transmission Mode (Option 21) and Power Meter Mode (Option 29)
1 – 5 = Saved setups for T1/E1 modes (Option 50)
255 = Default setup
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid store location or no saved setup
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Query System Status – Control Byte #20 (14h)
NOTE: This command exists for backward compatibility with the S33xC models. Features new to the
S33xD models are not available here. To access the new features, use Control Byte #33 (21h). This
command cannot be used with a frequency converter module attached (Option 6 required).
Description: Queries the Site Master for current system settings.
The current state of the Site Master represents the state after the last successful remote control operation. For example,
change the start frequency to another valid frequency while in remote mode, then execute control byte #20. The new start
frequency will be returned in bytes 4-7, even though no sweep has been performed with that frequency.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns:434 bytes
1) Measurement Mode
2) Site Master Mode Data Points (higher byte)
Site Master PM 21
31 Refer to Control Byte #3 “Select Measurement Mode” for valid measurement modes.