16) Limit Value End X (lowest byte)
17) Limit Value End Y
(highest byte)
18) Limit Value End Y
19) Limit Value End Y
20) Limit Value End Y (lowest byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Invalid limit segment, status or value
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Set Return Spectrum Analyzer Sweep Time – Control Byte #114 (72h)
Description: If this is enabled, the duration of the current sweep (in milliseconds) will be returned as 4 bytes via the serial
port at the end of the sweep. If Serial Echo Status is enabled, the 4 bytes will be returned AFTER the sweep complete byte.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Return SPA Sweep Time flag state
00h = Don’t Return Sweep Time
01h = Return Sweep Time
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Invalid state
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Set Reference Level Offset – Control Byte #115 (73h)
Description: Set the value of the reference level offset.
The reference level offset allows the user to view the result of trace math (A+B, A-B) even if it is greater than +20 dBm or
less than –120 dBm. The offset is a constant that is subtracted from the reference level.
Note that the valid range is –100 to +100 dB.
Send the value as (value in dB * 1000) + 270,000.
For example, to compensate for a 30 dB attenuator, the reference level offset should be -30 dB. That value would be sent
over the serial port as (-30 * 1000) + 270,000 = 240,000.
Bytes to Follow: 4 bytes
1) Reference Level Offset (highest byte)
2) Reference Level Offset
3) Reference Level Offset
4) Reference Level Offset (lowest byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Site Master PM 89
273 ( Value in dBm * 1000 ) + 270,000