
RackSwitch G8000 Application Guide
13BMD00041, November 2008
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic styles used in this book.
Table 1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface or
Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 This type is used for names of commands,
files, and directories used within the text.
View the readme.txt file.
It also depicts on-screen computer output and
AaBbCc123 This bold type appears in command exam-
ples. It shows text that must be typed in
exactly as shown.
Main# sys
<AaBbCc123> This italicized type appears in command
examples as a parameter placeholder. Replace
the indicated text with the appropriate real
name or value when using the command. Do
not type the brackets.
To establish a Telnet session, enter:
host# telnet <IP address>
This also shows book titles, special terms, or
words to be emphasized.
Read your User’s Guide thoroughly.
[ ] Command items shown inside brackets are
optional and can be used or excluded as the
situation demands. Do not type the brackets.
host# ls [-a]