Re-assembling motorcycle
Install battery.
Intall Motronic control unit.
[ABS II] Install ABS unit.
Install battery.
Intall Motronic control unit.
[ABS I] Install control unit.
Install swinging arm.
Install footrest plates.
[ABS I] Install pressure modulators.
Install rear wheel drive.
Install suspension strut.
Install rear wheel.
Install brake caliper
L Note:
Check ABS sensor gap.
Install exhaust system.
Install rear mudguard.
Install side section of fairing.
X Tightening torques:
Fixed swinging arm bearing at geabox ........... 8 Nm
Fixed swinging arm bearing journal,
free bearing................................................. 7.5 Nm
Locknut, free bearing ................................... 41 Nm
Bearing pin of fixed bearing .......................150 Nm
(clean thread + Loctite 2701)
Bearing pin of loose bearing .......................... 7 Nm
(clean thread + Loctite 2701 applied to entire
length of thread on loose bearing pin)
Locknut......................................................105 Nm
Suspension strut to frame/rear wheel drive .. 51 Nm
Rear wheel studs .......................................105 Nm
Exhaust pipes to cylinder head .................... 21 Nm
Exhaust system to holder/footrest plate ......... 9 Nm
Front silencer (muffler) to gearbox ................ 12 Nm
Footrest plate to gearbox ............................. 15 Nm