Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCds43704 Call looping uses CPU and other
resources in Cisco CallManager.
A Cisco CallManager code change fixes
this problem.
CSCds74822 Service Configuration application does
not function properly.
A Cisco CallManager code change fixes
this behavior.
CSCds82957 SQL database does not properly instruct
Cisco CallManager to start after
DBLR used code that was not setting up
CDR connection strings. This situation
prevented Cisco CallManager from coming
up. The new code retries the CDR setup
until it completes.
CSCdt29182 Analog gateway sends caller name to
Cisco CallManager in calling party
number IE.
The code now ensures forward and
backward capability to correct this
CSCdt31211 A forwarded call to a particular cellular
phone on a Cisco CallManager
When Cisco 7960 IP Phone with
Cisco CallManager 3.0(7) redirects
(forwards) a call from PSTN to the AU
phone via PRI with WS-X6608-T1 gateway
or Cisco Digital Access Gateway DT24+,
PSTN side terminates the forwarded call
and the originator phone receives no
ringback tone.
A code change fixes this problem.
CSCdt41472 Cisco WebAttendant client cannot log
in because the UserID is already
reported as logged in.
This results from a problem with the
verbiage on the display. A message now
displays to say that the device was not
found, instead of showing that the login
CSCdt41479 Cisco WebAttendant client install does
not have default port number of 4321.
When the Cisco WebAttendant client is
installed, the default value "4321" is in the
TcdSrv Listen Port.
CSCdt41493 Cisco WebAttendant selects operating
system web browser to create client
The Cisco WebAttendant shortcut in the
Start Menu will now open
Cisco WebAttendant with Microsoft
Internet Explorer.
Table 2 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation