Resolved Caveats
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
CSCds55086 Access violation occurs in svchost
during Win2K startup on client running
Cisco SoftPhone.
Microsoft has a fix, contact Microsoft
support for details at the following URL:
CSCds58392 Putting a call on hold generates a new
call with wrong data.
CallManager.java was modified so it does
not set the LastHeldTerminalConn when it
is not Consult call.
CSCds65594 Cisco CallManager does not accept a
non-ISDN call progress information
element when using the 4ESS protocol.
MsgTrans does not drop any ISDN message
if locking shift information elements are
received. It is up to the pn9* to decide
whether the message can be discarded.
CSCds73845 Wrong last redirected address in blind
transfer where b is only po
CallManager.java was modified to create
TransferManager with proper
CSCds74306 Transfers across locations do not
release all bandwidth resources.
Bandwidth is now released after transfer.
CSCds76274 Bandwidth does not return to pool after
H.323 intercluster trunk call failure.
A code change compensates for a failed call
and returns bandwidth as expected.
CSCds78107 A need exists for a new error message
from CTI for directory login timeout.
In the code that queries the directory for
user authentication, a case was added to
distinguish a directory timeout due to high
demand from a login failure. A new error
code was also added, so the APIs can also
distinguish the two cases and act
CSCds78869 Cisco IP Phone 7910 sends cdp with
POWER TLV as 6300 mw instead of
5040 mw.
Per hardware engineering, all Cisco IP
Phones in the 7900 Family developed thus
far have a maximum requirement of 6300
mwatts. This value is now reported via the
appropriate TLV in the CDP response in
loads P004P301 (Cisco IP Phone 7910) and
P003P301 (Cisco IP Phone 7960 and
Cisco IP Phone 7940).
Table 5 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(7) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation