Open Caveats
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
CSCds80198 Call pickup does not pick up a call even when line is Call Forward All.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCds84446 AVVID: Volume from Cisco Access Digital Trunk Gateway DT-24+ to Cisco uOne
is too low to hear voice mail.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCds88617 GWY_ERR_C80ERR_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE is reported from Cisco Access
Digital Trunk Gateway DT-24+.
Workaround: Contact the TAC for the Cisco Access Digital Trunk Gateway DT-24+
load that will fix this issue.
CSCds88657 Gatekeeper calls cause memory loss and stay up after being closed.
Workaround: Place calls at a slower rate if using SimClient or other test software.
This defect should not occur during "normal,” non-automated-calling scenarios.
CSCdt02575 SMDI sends no or wrong info on transfer from Octel.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCdt04394 Timer set to 0 does not disable the timer.
Workaround: Configure Call Forward No Answer to route calls to a voice-mail
system or to an attendant.
CSCdt08062 SNMP incorrectly reports registered phone and gateway counts.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCdt10505 When phone1 is forwarded to Cisco AutoAttendant, phone2 never transfers to Call
Forward No Answer destination.
Workaround: Assign the first DID to the route point or use a translation pattern to
reroute the call.
CSCdt11416 Conference master can transfer the ability to add participants.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCdt13722 Cisco WebAttendant screen does not display call-forwarding information.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
Table 8 Open Caveats for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) (continued)
DDTS number Description