Documentation Updates
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Service Parameters
Table 10 contains new Cisco CallManager service parameters, with descriptions,
that were not included in the Release 3.0 Cisco CallManager Administration
Guide or the online help for the Cisco CallManager application.
Caution Do not modify any defaults or settings of the following parameters
without the assistance of the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
Table 11 contains new Cisco Messaging Interface (CMI) service parameter
definitions that were not included in the Release 3.0 Cisco CallManager
Administration Guide or the online help for the Cisco CallManager application.
Caution Do not modify any defaults or settings of the following parameters
without the assistance of the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
Table 10 Cisco CallManager Service Parameters Not Included in Release 3.0 Documentation
ParamName Description
EnableSNMP This parameter enables the collection of SNMP data from the
Cisco CallManager.
EnableStatistics This parameter enables or disables collection of performance monitor statistics
by the Cisco CallManager.