Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCds03249 Label line setting for phone is
Customer has a requirement to change
the display of the line buttons to show
information other than the directory
If the "Line settings for device" under
the phone configuration is set with a
label other than the default (directory
number), the string entered in the
configuration does not display on the
Cisco IP Phone 7960. The directory
number displays instead.
The label field on phone directory number
page no longer exists.
CSCds37274 Telephone number for User can be only
10 digits long.
A code change makes the length of the
telephone number for a user 24 digits long.
CSCds43822 SQL timeouts occur during mass
Deleting CDR records in a specific way
caused this behavior. A Cisco CallManager
code change corrects this behavior.
CSCds49125 Users must be logged on as the
Administrator, or install will fail.
A code change in the install package
corrects this problem.
CSCds55703 Cisco IP Phones do not forward large
NFS datagrams.
This bug was closed because this behavior
is a configuration issue. Expect data loss
when you bring 100-mbps input down to
10-mbps output. The issue is not with size
but rather with speed. When large packets
are fragmented, they are coming into the
100-mbps port faster than they can be
transmitted on the 10-mbps port. This
results in a queue overrun and packet lose.
CSCds63333 CTI Framework shows up in phone
Corporate Directory
Corporate Directory automatically filters
out special user "ctifw" when searched by
CSCds63897 PerfMon CallsInProgress is inaccurate. A Cisco CallManager code change corrects
this behavior.
Table 3 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(9) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation