Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCdt96338 The simultaneous call limit for H.323
device equals 248 when it should be
Intercluster calls stop at 248 active calls per
H.323 device. A code change allows 360
calls to be in place simultaneously.
Users experience this problem only with
Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(8) or
CSCdt96745 H.245 negotiation fails on intercluster
trunk for forwarded call.
In certain scenarios, when a call across an
intercluster trunk is forwarded to another
gateway, the call will fail due to a Media
Capabilities Exchange timeout. This has
only been observed when the subscriber
machines in a cluster are up. This behavior
no longer exists in Cisco CallManager
Release 3.0(10).
CSCdu00792 Calls were getting dropped for constant
When large packet delays were inserted
between gateways and Cisco CallManager,
some timers were expiring.
The code change compensates several
internal timers for inaccuracy and sets a
higher minimum default value for the
configurable timer
Only customers who install
Cisco CallManager 3.0(10) for the first time
receive this bug fix. A customer who
upgrades to Cisco CallManager 3.0(10)
does not get this bug fix.
CSCdu02128 A race condition can cause transfer
table corruption.
A code change prevents the race condition
from occurring.
CSCdu03062 RDNIS does not appear in Q931
The RDNIS was sometimes not being sent
out the digital gateway, even though the
Redirecting Number IE Delivery box is
checked in the gateway configuration.
Table 2 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation