Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCds77578 Cisco CallManager does not cut
through after progress with DE30+
(overlap sending).
At the overlap sending situation, the
channel ID can be received in setup pack.
CSCds79716 UserPrefs do not work after an upgrade
from versions prior to
Cisco CallManager 3.0(5a) to
Cisco CallManager 3.0(5a).
A race condition between DCD
initialization and the execution of
avvid_upgrade caused the problem. The
avvid_upgrade script now waits 20 seconds
for DCD to finish its initialization before
continuing with the upgrade process.
CSCds79952 Cisco CallManager stackwalk for CM2
of Dallas Alpha
Buffer was increased to allow large display
names on CTI and phone devices.
CSCds81073 PRIUser ringback does not perceive
reorder tone with CallForward
Cisco CallManager software has been
modified to process the CcInfoReq message
in state:
call_received7 (ProcessPn9cuser) and
call_delivered4 (ProcessPn9cnet and
ProcessH225Cdpc), and if the cause code
value in the CcInfoReq is temporary failure,
send the Disconnect message to disconnect
the call. By doing so, it prevents the caller
from the gateway receiving the ringback
tone for a long period of time even when the
call was dismissed due to the error while
accessing the voice mail (such as voice mail
configuration error or hop count exceeded).
CSCds82156 Confusing screen occurs on auto
upgrade when selecting
publisher/subscriber is selected
The screen was changed to be read more
Table 6 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(6) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation