
10–15 EX1006.LIS Listing ....................................... 10–48
10–16 EX1007.LIS Listing ....................................... 10–56
10–17 EX1008.LIS Listing ....................................... 10–65
10–18 EX1009.LIS Listing ....................................... 10–73
10–19 EX1010.LIS Listing ....................................... 10–81
10–20 Printing Labels Four-Up . . . ................................ 10–83
10–21 Printing Labels Four-Up in Sort Order . ....................... 10–85
11–1 Adding Information to a Master File with a Video Form . . . ....... 11–4
11–2 Screen After the ERASE Statement Executes ................... 11–6
11–3 Positioning the Data on Line 19, Column 5 ..................... 11–7
11–4 Cursor Positioning Using the PLUS Option ..................... 11–8
11–5 Screen Display with Character Attributes ...................... 11–10
11–6 Sample Run of Program CONVERT ........................... 11–12
11–7 Accepting Data with the ON EXCEPTION Option . ............... 11–14
11–8 Screen Display of NUM-DATA Using the PROTECTED Option ...... 11–16
11–9 Accepting Data with the DEFAULT Phrase ..................... 11–19
11–10 Compaq COBOL Control Keys on the Standard VT100 Keypad and
Keyboard ............................................... 11–24
11–11 Compaq COBOL Control Keys on a Typical VT200 or Later Keypad
and Keyboard . . . ........................................ 11–24
11–12 Screen Display of Program SPECIAL . . ....................... 11–28
11–13 Form with ACCEPT WITH EDITING Phrase ................... 11–31
11–14 MENU-SCREEN Output . . . ................................ 11–40
11–15 SCHEDULE-SCREEN Output ............................... 11–40
12–1 Nesting CALL Statements . ................................ 12–6
12–2 Transfer of Control Flow from a Main Program to Multiple
Subprograms ............................................ 12–9
12–3 Accessing Another Program’s Data Division ..................... 12–10
12–4 Defining Data Names in the Linkage Section ................... 12–13
12–5 Sharing USE Procedures . . . ................................ 12–16
12–6 Executing Declaratives with Contained Programs (Rule 1) . . ....... 12–17
12–7 Executing Declaratives Within Contained Programs (Rule 2) ....... 12–18
15–1 Sharing Record Areas ..................................... 15–14
15–2 Two-Level Primary Index . . . ................................ 15–19
1–1 Other File Name Suffixes . . . ................................ 1–9
1–2 Compaq COBOL Command Flags on Tru64 UNIX . ............... 1–12
1–3 Main Tools for Program Development and Testing . ............... 1–26
1–4 COBOL Command Qualifiers ................................ 1–32
1–5 Commonly Used LINK Qualifiers ............................ 1–40
2–1 Numeric Relational Operator Descriptions ...................... 2–3
2–2 Sign Tests .............................................. 2–4
2–3 Numeric Editing . ........................................ 2–8
2–4 ROUNDING ............................................. 2–13
3–1 Relational Operator Descriptions ............................. 3–4