Optimizing Your Compaq COBOL Program
15.1 Specifying Optimization on the Compiler Command Line
On OpenVMS Alpha systems, in general, specify /NOOPTIMIZE if you specify
/DEBUG when you compile a program. If you specify /DEBUG but omit any
form of the /OPTIMIZE qualifier on the command line, the compiler issues the
following informational message:
Unlike other informational messages, which are turned off by default, this
message is issued even if /WARNINGS=NOINFORMATION is in effect. You can
turn it off by specifying any form of the /OPTIMIZE qualifier.
If you need to debug optimized code, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. ♦
Other Effects of Optimization
An effect of optimization is larger object modules and longer compile times. These
potential disadvantages are typically outweighed by faster run times.
To speed compilations during program development, you may want to compile
with the noobject option when you want to check syntax.
When checking for correct execution, you may want to compile initially with
no optimization, and later with optimization when the program is executing
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