
Producing Printed Reports
10.8 Programming a Report Writer Report Summary Reporting
In summary reporting, the GENERATE statement performs all of the automatic
operations of the Report Writer facility, but does not produce any TYPE DETAIL
report groups.
A report name references the name of an RD entry. If MASTER-LIST is an RD
report groups (in the order defined), but omits DETAIL report group lines.
10.9 Report Writer Examples
This section provides you with the input data and sample reports produced by
five Report Writer programs. Each sample report has a program summary section
that describes the Report Writer features used in that program; you can examine
the summary and output to determine the usage of Report Writer features. Note
that each sample report is followed by the program that was used to generate it.
Also, many of the report pages in Reports 2 through 5 have been compressed
into fewer pages than you would normally find. For example, a report title page
is typically found on a separate page. Whether you are producing a report for
yourself or for a customer, you must begin by designing the report.
On OpenVMS Alpha the Report Writer facility produces a report file in
print-file format. When Report Writer positions the file at the top of the
next logical page, it positions the pointer by line spacing, rather than
page ejection or form feed.
The default OpenVMS Alpha PRINT command inserts a form-feed
character when a form is within four lines of the bottom. Therefore, when
the default PRINT command refers to a Report Writer file, unexpected
page spacing can result.
The /NOFEED file qualifier of the PRINT command suppresses the
insertion of form-feed characters and prints Report Writer files correctly.
Consequently, you should use the /NOFEED qualifier when you use the
Report Writer facility to print a report on OpenVMS Alpha.
10.9.1 Input Data
The data records shown in Figure 10–14 are used for the programs in this
Producing Printed Reports 1043