
Nested IF statements
static nesting depth
compiler implementation limitations, A–3
Nested program
See Contained program
CALL statements, 12–6
nm command, 1–26
use in locating undefined symbols, 1–19
syntax of, 16–5
/NOALIGNMENT qualifier
default, 16–5
NO ECHO phrase, 11–16
-nolocking flag, 1–13
Non-COBOL programs
including in run unit, 12–25
Nonnumeric data, 3–1 to 3–12
classes, 3–4
common nonnumeric item move errors, 3–11
concatenating items, 5–1
data movement, 3–6
two MOVE statements (ex.), 3–6
data organization, 3–2
edited moves, 3–9
with JUSTIFIED clause (tab.), 3–9
with symbols (tab.), 3–9
edited moves (tab.), 3–9
elementary moves, 3–7
elementary moves (tab.), 3–7
group items, 3–2
group moves, 3–7
justified moves, 3–9
MOVE CORRESPONDING statement, 3–11
MOVE CORRESPONDING statement (ex.),
MOVE statement, 3–7
multiple receiving items, 3–10
special characters, 3–3
storing, 3–1
STRING statement, 5–1
subscripted moves, 2–9, 3–10
testing, 3–3
class tests, 3–5
comparing operands, 3–5
relational operator descriptions, 3–3
relational operators (tab.), 3–3
using reference modification, 3–12
Nonnumeric data items
elementary, 3–2
relational tests, 3–3
Nonnumeric literals
compiler implementation specifications, A–2
-non_shared flag, 1–13, 1–21
-noobject flag, 1–13
/NOVFC, 6–8
-nowarn flag, 1–13
-no_archive flag (ld)
and creating shared libraries, 1–21
Numeric class tests, 2–4
Numeric data, 2–1 to 2–15
arithmetic statements, 2–9
common errors, 2–15
GIVING phrase, 2–14
intermediate rules, 2–9
multiple operands
ADD statement, 2–14
SUBTRACT statement, 2–14
multiple operands (tab.), 2–14
-check decimal flag, 2–2
common numeric move errors, 2–9
-convert leading_blanks flag, 2–2
elementary numeric-edited moves, 2–7
elementary numeric moves, 2–6
evaluating numeric items, 2–3
invalid values, 2–2
MOVE statement, 2–6
NOT ON SIZE ERROR phrase, 2–14
/[NO]TRUNCATE qualifier, 2–12
numeric-edited data rules, 2–8
numeric-edited data rules (tab.), 2–8
numeric editing symbols, 2–7
ON SIZE ERROR phrase, 2–13
optimizing, 15–5
REMAINDER phrase, 2–13
representation of, 15–5
ROUNDED phrase, 2–12, 2–13
rounding (ex.), 2–12
rounding (tab.), 2–13
sign conventions, 2–2
sign test (tab.), 2–4
storing, 2–1
success/failure test (ex.), 2–5
class test, 2–3, 2–4
relational operators description, 2–3
relational tests, 2–3
sign test, 2–3, 2–4
success/failure tests, 2–5
-trunc flag, 2–12
Numeric-edited data item, 2–6
contents, 2–7
description, 2–7
rules for, 2–8
Numeric-edited moves
elementary, 2–7
Numeric editing, 2–7
Numeric items
invalid values in, 2–2
testing, 2–3
class test, 2–3