
Developing Compaq COBOL Programs
1.3 Developing Programs on OpenVMS Alpha LINK Qualifiers
LINK qualifiers allow you to control various aspects of the link operation such
as modifying linker input and output and invoking the debugging and traceback
Table 1–5 summarizes some of the more commonly used LINK qualifiers. Refer to
the OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual for a complete list and explanations of the
LINK qualifiers or invoke the online HELP facility for the LINK command at the
OpenVMS Alpha prompt.
Brackets ( [ ] ) indicate that the enclosed item is optional. If you specify
more than one option for a single qualifier, you must separate each option
with a comma and enclose the list of options in parentheses.
Table 1–5 Commonly Used LINK Qualifiers
Function Qualifier Default
Indicate that an input file
is a library file.
/LIBRARY Not applicable.
Indicate that an input file
is a linker options file.
/OPTIONS Not applicable.
Request output file,
define a file specification,
and specify whether the
image is shareable.
where name is the name of
the first input file.
Request and specify the
contents of an image map
(memory allocation) listing.
/MAP[=file-spec] or /NOMAP
/NOMAP (interactive)
/MAP=name.MAP (batch)
where name is the name of
the first input file.
Specify the amount of
debugging information.
/DEBUG[=file-spec] or /NODEBUG
/TRACEBACK Specifying Modules Other than Compaq COBOL Modules
When you link Compaq COBOL modules with other modules, your application
will not work correctly if a non Compaq COBOL module contains a
LIB$INITIALIZE routine that:
1. Is invoked before the Compaq COBOL LIB$INITIALIZE routine (COB_
1–40 Developing Compaq COBOL Programs