
Using ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements for Input/Output and Video Forms
11.2 Designing Video Forms with ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statement Extensions
There is a high probability that the default value is identical in most of the
records, as where a constant (such as a state’s abbreviation) is used in a
mailing list.
When you use the DEFAULT phrase, the program executes as if the default
value had been typed in when you press Return. However, the value is not
automatically displayed on the screen.
You can also use the CURRENT VALUE phrase with the DEFAULT phrase to
specify that the default input value is the initial value of the ACCEPT destination
Example 11–9 and Figure 11–9 show how to use the DEFAULT phrase to
specify default input values. (The value must be an alphanumeric data name,
a nonnumeric literal, or figurative constant.) The example uses the "TO-BE-
SUPPLIED" abbreviations "[TBS]" and " ***[TBS]****" and +00.00 as the default
values for three data items in the program.
Using ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements for Input/Output and Video Forms 1117