
3–2 Nonnumeric Elementary Moves . . ............................ 3–8
3–3 Data Movement with Editing Symbols ......................... 3–9
3–4 Data Movement with the JUSTIFIED Clause ................... 3–10
4–1 Subscripting Rules for a Multidimensional Table ................. 4–14
4–2 Subscripting with Data Names . . ............................ 4–14
5–1 Results of Sample Overflow Statements ........................ 5–5
5–2 Values Moved into the Receiving Items Based on the Sending Item
Value .................................................. 5–7
5–3 Handling a Short Sending Item . . ............................ 5–8
5–4 Results of Delimiting with an Asterisk ........................ 5–9
5–5 Results of Delimiting Multiple Receiving Items .................. 5–10
5–6 Results of Delimiting with Two Asterisks . . . ................... 5–10
5–7 Results of Delimiting with ALL Asterisks . . . ................... 5–11
5–8 Results of Delimiting with ALL Double Asterisks ................ 5–11
5–9 Results of Multiple Delimiters . . . ............................ 5–12
5–10 Values Resulting from Implicit Redefinition . . ................... 5–20
5–11 Relationship Among INSPECT Argument, Delimiter, Item Value, and
Argument Active Position .................................. 5–23
5–12 LEADING Delimiter of the Inspection Operation ................ 5–25
5–13 Results of the Scan with Separate Tallies . . . ................... 5–26
6–1 Compaq COBOL File Organizations—Advantages and
Disadvantages ........................................... 6–2
6–2 Record Format Availability ................................. 6–8
6–3 Valid I/O Statements for Sequential Files . . . ................... 6–27
6–4 Valid I/O Statements for Line Sequential Files .................. 6–28
6–5 Valid I/O Statements for Relative Files ........................ 6–32
6–6 Valid I/O Statements for Indexed Files ........................ 6–34
6–7 Indexed File—ISAM Mapping . . . ............................ 6–47
8–1 File-Sharing Options (OpenVMS) . ............................ 8–10
8–2 File-Sharing Options (Tru64 UNIX) ........................... 8–11
8–3 File Status Values Used in a File-Sharing Environment ........... 8–12
8–4 RMS-STS Values Used in a File-Sharing Environment (OpenVMS) . . . 8–14
8–5 Manual Record Locking Combinations ......................... 8–20
10–1 Report Writer Report Group Types ........................... 10–26
10–2 Results of Group Indicating ................................. 10–87
11–1 Available Character Attributes by Terminal Type ................ 11–9
11–2 Compaq COBOL Characters Returned for Cursor Positioning,
Program Function, Function, Keypad, and Keyboard Keys ......... 11–20
11–3 Key Functions for the EDITING Phrase ....................... 11–28
11–4 Character Attribute Clauses for Screen Description Formats ....... 11–32
11–5 Color Table . . ............................................ 11–34
12–1 Calls to COBOL Programs .................................. 12–19
12–2 C Routine Called by Statement: CALL ‘‘Job1’’ ................... 12–31
12–3 C Invocation to Call COBOL PROGRAM-ID ‘‘Job2’’ ............... 12–31
13–1 OpenVMS Alpha Register Usage (OpenVMS) ................... 13–2
13–2 Run-Time Library Facilities (OpenVMS) ....................... 13–4
13–3 System Services (OpenVMS) ................................ 13–4