4–8 Configuring Storagesets
3. Initialize the stripeset. If you want to set any Initialize switches, you must do so
in this step. Use the following syntax:
INITIALIZE stripeset-name switch
See “INITIALIZE,” page 5–62, for valid switches and values.
4. Present the stripeset to the host by giving it a unit number the host can recognize.
Optionally, you can append Unit switch values. If you do not specify switch
values, default values are applied.
Use the following syntax to present the stripeset to the host:
ADD UNIT unit-number stripeset-name switch
See “ADD UNIT,” page 5–27, for valid switches and values.
5. Verify the striped mirrorset configuration and switches. Use the following syntax:
SHOW stripeset-name
6. Verify the unit configuration and switches. Use the following syntax:
SHOW unit-number