Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
host compatibility
A setting used by the controller to provide optimal controller performance
with specific operating systems. This improves the controller’s performance
and compatibility with the specified operating system.
hot disks A disk containing multiple hot spots. Hot disks occur when the workload is
poorly distributed across storage devices which prevents optimum subsystem
performance. See also hot spots.
hot spots A portion of a disk drive frequently accessed by the host. Because the data
being accessed is concentrated in one area, rather than spread across an array
of disks providing parallel access, I/O performance is significantly reduced.
See also hot disks.
hot swap A method of device replacement that allows normal I/O activity on a
device’s bus to remain active during device removal and insertion. The
device being removed or inserted is the only device that cannot perform
operations during this process. See also cold swap and warm swap.
IBR Initial Boot Record.
ILF Illegal function.
INIT Initialize Input and Output.
initiator A SCSI device that requests an I/O process to be performed by another SCSI
device, namely, the SCSI target. The controller is the initiator on the device
bus. The host is the initiator on the host bus.
instance code A four-byte value displayed in most text error messages and issued by the
controller when a subsystem error occurs. The instance code indicates when
during software processing the error was detected.
I/O driver The set of code in the kernel that handles the physical I/O to a device. This is
implemented as a fork process. Same as driver.